Starting from 2024, IEEE Blockchain Section Romania assures the coordination of IEEE Blockchain Sections from Europe, Middle East and Africa (IEEE Region 8) having the following structure:
General Chair:
Nicolae Goga
Vice Chairs:
Andrei Vasilateanu
Constantin Viorel Marian
Ramona Popa
Bujor Pavaloiu
Dan Alexandru Mitrea
Regional Coordinator Europe:
Alex Norta
Regional Coordinator Middle East and Africa:
Melanie Mohr
Vice Chair Regional Coordinator Africa:
Awodele Oludele
Technical Coordinator:
Omer Ozkul
Legal Consultant:
Bogdan Sebastian Mihai
General secretary:
Razvan Mihai
Ebrasu Bianca
Diana Scurtu
Welcome to the IEEE Romania Blockchain Group
IEEE Romania Blockchain Group was founded in June 2021 to focus on IEEE Blockchain Initiative (BCI), such as Pre/Standards, Education, Conferences and Events, Community Development and Outreach, Publications, and Special Projects for the East Europe Section.Blockchain is a digital distributed immutable ledger in which transactions are recorded using cryptographic techniques. This is by far the most forward-thinking, impactful, and disruptive emerging technology family that the Future Directions Committee and the IEEE has sought to embrace.
The initiative is aimed at members in Romania and Eastern Europe to invest resources in order to create a blockchain network in the medical system, and beyond. We are a community of professionals and young people passionate about technology and security. We want to develop this concept so that we have a relevant contribution in the medical area. The aim is to serve as a forum for professional networking, learning, and growth for our IEEE East Europe members in the rapidly emerging Blockchain field and to organize events covering the start-of-the-art Blockchain technology and applications.
Currently, the team consists of Chair Dr. Ing. Nicolae Goga (University Politehnica Bucharest,, Vice-Chair Dr. Andrei Vasilateanu (University Politehnica Bucharest, e mail Vice-Chair Dr Constantin Viorel Marian (University Politehnica Bucharest, e-mail, Vice Chair Dr Ramona Popa (University Politehnica of Bucharest, e-mail: Other members of the team are Cristi Taslitchi, Diana Scurtu, Tiberiu Obogeanu and Dragoș Șolcă (University Politehnica Bucharest, e-mails,,
The project is carried out in partnership with IEEE Blockchain Initiative and under the guidance of Gora Datta, FHL7, CAL2CAL Corp, (founding) Chair IEEE Healthcare: Blockchain & AI Virtual Series.
IEEE Blockchain Romania Section organizes the Second IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Smart Healthcare and Emerging Technologies 2025 (SmartBlock4Health 2025)
SmartBlock4Health 2025 Website
IEEE Blockchain Section Romania got approved a grant for 2024 from IEEE Blockchain Section International in value of 5000 USD for organizing a Hackathon. The Hackathon will be partly online partly f2f. If you want to apply send a request to Popa Ramona
There will be prizes from the awarded sum (Prize I, Prize II and Prize III).
Organization of the Hackathon
1. January to 15 April 2024 – Teams formation
If you want to participate, send to Ramona Popa an e-mail with the following documents:
1) Project proposal – 1-2 pages– with title of the project that you propose, members of the team, and an outline of the proposed project;
2) CVs of the members of the team.
The outline of the project should contain the following sections:
- Project idea and motivation
- Proposed design (high-level view of the technical solution)
- Proposed project timeline (activities, deliverables, deadlines)
2. April 2024: Initial screening of the teams
There will be an online screening of the proposals in April and assignment of an observer from IEEE Blockchain Section Romania to each qualified team. The screening will be based on the submitted proposals which will be scored based on: idea and motivation (30%), technical description (50%), proposed timeline (20%). The meaningful integration of Blockchain technologies in the proposal is an eliminatory criteria.
3. April- November 2024 – Projects implementation
Each team will work in this period on their project at their own pace. The observer will observe the project, communication with the team in periodic online meetings and give suggestions. It is recommended that the teams submit or have ready for submitting a research paper based on their work.
4. November 2024 – Awards
In November there will be a face to face Award event (if needed, there will be also an online component) for deciding the recipients of the prizes.
The projects will be judged based on:
- Satisfying the objectives stated in the proposal
- Technical complexity
- Technical correctness
- Integration of Blockchain technologies
- Dissemination of results in research publications
The committee that will give the awards is formed by:
1. Andrei Vasilateanu
2. Gora Datta
3. Bujor Pavaloiu
4. Constantin Viorel Marian
5. Ramona Popa
6. Alexandru Mitrea
7. Nicolae Goga